
The.Juiceri Media is a fresh approach to modern media, lifestyle, and dramatic literary content. Just like a good cup of juice, this content is meant to be original, authentic, and undeniable. Grab a juice recipe, listen to an episode of the podcast, read up on some new information, get some style inspiration, or just vibe!

Whatever your fancy, The.Juiceri aims to please!

Fresh Pressed!

Pictured: Custom Franklin Bag, The Franklin Plant, & Fresh Produce  

Quality Content!

Custom Franklin Bags

Custom Franklin Bags

Want your own customized Franklin Bag? No problem! Drop your info and lets collab on your dream canvas bag.

Meet Ri:

The Juicer

Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, Maria (Ri) Smith is a fresh-faced writer whose essence is rooted in both comedy and intersectionality. Maria began her first pursuits as a storyteller when she attended undergrad at the University of Tennessee. While there, she served as a weekly columnist for the university paper and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in Africana Studies. Having graduated with her MFA in Writing for the Stage and Screen in 2022 from Northwestern University, Maria has had her work featured in the Theater Masters TAKE TEN MFA Festival, the Black Lives, Black Voices Festival, Copy Literary Magazine, and The Eitch by Hyphen Reads Books. During her time at Northwestern, she also picked up the hobby of juicing and from there, the concept of The.Juiceri was born.

In August 2022, she completed a writer’s residency at the Story 27 Production’s Writer’s Colony hosted by television mogul Mara Brock Akil. In May 2023, Maria became Congo Square Theatre’s Samuel G. Roberson “Next Up” Fellowship Winner for the 2023/2024 season. Later that fall, her play (m)Other or The Play About Rest was chosen as a semi-finalist for the A is For One Act Festival, and she became a member of the Playground LA Writers Pool where her short play Politics received the People's Choice Award for the October showcase.

Now in an effort to innovate the world of media and content creation, Maria is dedicated to the development of The.Juiceri from a small blog, to a media and lifestyle. The goal: to innovate the pursuit of fresh, quality content across a plethora of platforms. 

Words of Our Roots

“ You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in His name. This is my command: Love each other.”

— John 15 :16-17

keep it fresh



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Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!